With YTCLive

Track and follow YTC evolution in real-time.

Since March 1, 2020, YTC is the official utility token for registered members of the Cooperative, being partially implemented in each of the cooperative processes in order to enhance the business of all its members.

0.551542 USD 0.018 % Present value
YTC Holders
Last Burning
7,238.4100 YTC
Last 3 months statistics

Transactions 9,922
Volume 12,251,694.1737 YTC
(average per Month)
(per transaction)
1,234.8009 YTC

Top 15 by Country

Country Transactions Volume
Country Brazil - Brasil Transactions 1,165 Volume 2,421,337.3376 YTC
Country Colombia Transactions 1,081 Volume 308,871.9877 YTC
Country Spain - España Transactions 751 Volume 621,539.9818 YTC
Country Panama - Panamá Transactions 630 Volume 554,347.3800 YTC
Country Venezuela Transactions 542 Volume 29,193.5063 YTC
Country Portugal Transactions 526 Volume 2,103,105.4200 YTC
Country Argentina Transactions 503 Volume 725,000.7685 YTC
Country Ecuador Transactions 499 Volume 226,791.0717 YTC
Country Mexico - México Transactions 452 Volume 224,133.3354 YTC
Country Peru - Perú Transactions 397 Volume 588,886.5350 YTC
Country Paraguay Transactions 320 Volume 202,726.6600 YTC
Country Bolivia Transactions 272 Volume 13,157.4000 YTC
Country Puerto Rico Transactions 262 Volume 486,975.9681 YTC
Country Chile Transactions 235 Volume 379,952.7963 YTC
Country Thailand - ไทย Transactions 188 Volume 192,705.7900 YTC
Last Transactions

date Hash YTC Wallet Movement
date 10/22/2024 Hash fe4568... YTC Wallet Burning Account Movement 1.4400 YTC
date 10/22/2024 Hash 6a4384... YTC Wallet 1021004 Movement 48.0000 YTC
date 10/22/2024 Hash 348428... YTC Wallet 1585549 Movement 49.4400 YTC
date 10/22/2024 Hash 5e1089... YTC Wallet Burning Account Movement 2.9100 YTC
date 10/22/2024 Hash a763ec... YTC Wallet 43450 Movement 97.0000 YTC
date 10/22/2024 Hash ed8f32... YTC Wallet 1588954 Movement 99.9100 YTC
date 10/22/2024 Hash 0cf4a5... YTC Wallet Burning Account Movement 4.8600 YTC
date 10/22/2024 Hash 322dd5... YTC Wallet 1520735 Movement 162.0000 YTC
date 10/22/2024 Hash 3ae6bb... YTC Wallet 55537 Movement 166.8600 YTC
date 10/22/2024 Hash 5ea9ee... YTC Wallet Burning Account Movement 2.4900 YTC
date 10/22/2024 Hash b52ae1... YTC Wallet 863287 Movement 83.0000 YTC
date 10/22/2024 Hash afd7c7... YTC Wallet 1505986 Movement 85.4900 YTC
date 10/22/2024 Hash 673994... YTC Wallet Burning Account Movement 2.7900 YTC
date 10/22/2024 Hash f07f63... YTC Wallet 851492 Movement 93.0000 YTC
date 10/22/2024 Hash 57b119... YTC Wallet 1520734 Movement 95.7900 YTC
date 10/22/2024 Hash 01c0b4... YTC Wallet Burning Account Movement 2.0600 YTC
date 10/22/2024 Hash c4b48f... YTC Wallet 1013729 Movement 0.0600 YTC
date 10/22/2024 Hash 25bf8b... YTC Wallet 1013729 Movement 2.0000 YTC
date 10/22/2024 Hash 118700... YTC Wallet Burning Account Movement 4.7100 YTC
date 10/22/2024 Hash e37790... YTC Wallet 859987 Movement 157.0000 YTC